johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


I tracked him from Luxembourg to Switzerland

I'm in the process of getting snowed in right now. Actually, I don't know how much snow we'll get, or how long it will last, but I've got a few days worth of food and no money, so snowed in I shall be.

It was an odd morning. The high point was the new season of Californication. Some times the series is totally crude and vulgar and there are drugs everywhere. I usually avoid shows like that at all costs. This one gets a pass because I like a few of the characters, and the car, and, to be honest, the hot women. The episode this morning resolved some annoying things from last season and introduced a new character (for at least two episodes) that I really liked a lot even before she took off her top. In jeans and a hoodie, she looked like a cuter Leighton Meester, and her character is cool.

I spent part of the rest of the morning trying to prove that a Spanish newspaper got a story right and that the head of pro cycling lied. I fought a pretty good fight on the lie thing. A clarification by a Spanish authority combined with one by the Italian spokesperson for pro cycling (to an Italian publication) settled things enough so that I could go sleep for ten hours. When I got up, there was an official statement, with a gaping hole in the dates that no one will question. Either the cycling head was lying, or he's totally out of the loop on something very important, and it's documented in writing.

I couldn't get settled into anything tonight - even the same seat on the non-broken side of the twenty dollar yard sale love seat where I spend fifteen hours a day. I'm still struggling to get through Amadeus, due to the Man's Inhumanity To Man aspect. It was much easier to get through Silverado, knowing there was a good chance that by the end, and injustices were likely to be settled by the quick draw of a Colt .45 or a great shot with a Henry rifle. I'm not for real life violence. There's certainly too much of that in the world news these days. But as a guy trying to keep my testosterone up, and an ember of my "fight" alive, some times it's good to have someone shoot a zombie with a shotgun, assuming of course that it's self-defense, and an attempt was made to reason with the zombie first. I'm 2:35 into the 3:00 Amadeus, and will finish it during my one month Netflix trial.

I just watched part 2 of The Cape after giving up on it Sunday night. It's kind of awkward and lame, but so were early episodes of other series that I ended up liking. Summer Glau's character is smart, brave, drives great cars and is willing to fight a professional assassin while wearing a tight knit dress - pretty much everything I look for in a woman. There's a good chance that the rest of my night will become a Summer Glau festival. I've seen her in Firefly and Serenity, but only watched an episode or two of the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

I'm off to carry two trash bags to the dumpster and check on the progress of the snow, but mostly to see if the Butterfinger I bought at the dollar store fell out of the bag into the car.

Oh! I've been meaning to mention something. You know I follow some twentysomething actresses on twitter, like the one who runs stairs, climbs ropes, ran the Grouse Grind and posts pics of healthy meals (and lately, good meals). Anyway, for a couple of shows, I follow the three or four stars, and I can follow their conversations. Some are all Hollywood and self-promotion, but some are impressive. One actress was heading home to Canada for the holidays, and whined briefly about how hard it is to find a good kennel in L.A. A couple of minutes later, one of her cast mates offered to take care of the dog for her. She did it for like a week or ten days, too. Not everyone in Hollywood is a Lindsay or Heidi (did you see the pics of the scars?).

3:18 a.m. - Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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