johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


10 day streak

I'm still taking MAF, but for the past week my memory has sucked, and my vision is off. I can tell you that I saw a lot of NCIS reruns on JTV. I saw a large portion of the end of The Rite. Scary stuff.

I'm ten for ten at days with walking. I missed one morning. I was watching JTV, and stumbled across a quirky movie with sword fighting. It turns out it was a TV mini series based on a Wagner opera, which we "studied" when I was in England. When Part 2 followed, my walk was doomed. I'm proud to say that I went out at ten that night to keep my streak alive, and went out again at four the next morning to get back on track. I'm slowly getting better at it, and the extra things I'm doing are helping my legs adjust to the new shoes without messing up, knock wood.

I'm kind of stressed out because the CAS announced the President of Contador's arbitration panel, said all the written stuff should be done by the end of May, and there would be a hearing scheduled in June so that all is settled before the Tour de France. That's sooner than I expected. WADA and the UCI have separate appeals. Contador has hired several really good lawyers, and he has the ones from the Spanish Federation fighting on his side, but he's not just trying to get cleared; he's trying to get rules changed. The other sides have a lot riding on this.

People have been tweeting that The Voice, the new singing show, was good, so I checked it out tonight. I was hooked halfway through the first episode. It's a serious singing show. There were no horrible or joke entries. There had been a weeding out process before the judges got involved. The judges don't see the contestants as they perform until they commit themselves to being willing to coach them. A hot Indian babe got sent home, which wouldn't have happened if they had seen her. But the show is really fun. I smiled and laughed a lot, which just doesn't happen without Sam-e.

I get most of my TV links from Sidereel these days, so if you want to check it out, just Google "The Voice Sidereel" and look for a type of feed that you trust.

I've been upset with myself for days over running out of Food Stamps. I've still got five days to go before I get more money. I must have been going through some awful things and sought comfort. I can recall one of them. I really messed up early by having more than one portion of things in a day, and missing out on other cheap ones like oatmeal. I need to do better next round. Meanwhile, at least I'm losing some of the weight again, even though I'm back on things like mac & cheese. Even there, though, I mixed it up by paying a bit more & getting a box of Three Cheese, a White Cheddar, and Spirals. I'll focus on weight loss for the five days, then try again with the healthy, tasty stuff.

I kind of cried earlier. That never happens. But I found a feed showing The West Wing, and caught the end of an episode with Ainsley Hayes, and Sam, and Gilbert & Sullivan, and I teared up.

1:55 a.m. - Thursday, Apr. 28, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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