johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


One stress handled, three to go

I hope everyone who wanted to could actually see that video from last night, and that it wasn't geo-restricted. Around six in the evening, I was dropping off here on the couch, and thought about heading to bed so the big race day would get here sooner. I decided to do a Google search for Lance, and there was the story that a guy who helped him win his first three Tours de France was telling 60 Minutes, our most trusted and prestigious news show, that he had doped, and had seen Lance do it a bunch of times. I had an adrenaline buzz for like three hours. A guy from Eurosport said that 60 Minutes was in Europe a year ago working on the story, so it could be a doozy. Lance, his minions and zealots did their feeble "most tested, never positive" mantra. I'm genuinely so concerned that so many people are a hundred percent behind him even after stories in Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. It really is cult-like, just seeing what people on twitter were saying.

I finished off my letter begging for help, put it in a small envelope with two stamps, put that in a big envelope with two stamps, and let the mailman pick it up. I don't know what will happen across the street, or if she'll pass it along, but that's one deadline met as well as I was able.

My three stressors now are: my huge power bill that just added another month, the threat of having my phone and Interwebs turned off Monday, and the car with the brake warning light that won't go out. I'll face the car one tomorrow morning.

Rain at the top of the Grossglockner messed up the TV coverage today, but Contador pout on another show. He attacked with more than 8 kilometers of steep climb to go. A tiny Venezuelan rider was able to go with him, and helped take turns at the front distancing their rivals. Alberto rewarded him by easing up and letting him win the stage. Good times.

Also this morning, the dates for his CAS arbitration hearing were set - June 6-8. That's when three guys will make decisions about his future, his reputation, a bunch of victories, millions of Euros, and whether or not I continue as a cycling fan (they don't know about that bit - it would be too much pressure).

Saturday is set to be another epic stage of the Giro. Hopefully the rain and snow will stay away.

I'm off to make Tuna Helper and to settle in for Thursday night TV. I hope they haven't killed off people that I like. Have a great weekend, and please keep your fingers crossed that my utilities will stay on, my car just needs brake fluid, and the Township will change their minds and help me out.

11:29 a.m. - Friday, May. 20, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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