johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


so much for cycling

Rough day Thursday. I had to watch a guy I think has to be cheating shine on International television, along with two other guys I also suspect. I have no interest in watching or reading about pro cycling at least the rest of this year, maybe forever.

I went through my normal process of removing all the cycling fans who followed my twitter, and deleting all the tweets about cycling or clenbuterol. I stopped following anyone related to cycling. I deleted my bookmarks to cycling websites, and cleared others out of my browsing history.

I did manage to make a sandwich early on, but otherwise knew I had to order delivery food again. Right now walking out into that heat index with the back and breathing problems is just too risky. No matter the cause, it puts my heart at risk for damage. So fast food from a drive-up window isn't even possible, much less shopping at a grocery store.

The money I've been spending on food delivery should have gone towards my power bill. I'm in for a shocker there when I open up my latest bill.

I spent hours in bed. Early on, I had to fight off dreams about pro cycling. I tried a bunch of different positions, hoping that my back would self-adjust the rest of the way. I could do so much good if I had access to the pool at Golds where my upper body buoyancy would help relieve pressure on my spine and get me back to normal.

I got up around midnight, and ate the warm leftover bacon cheese bread, and drank some warm soda. I don't carry anything, or make the effort to refrigerate stuff. The other day I left pizza out while I slept, figuring I didn't want the rest. When I got up, I decided that since I was worried about dying anyway, eating pizza that had been sitting out was the least of my worries.

Anyway, I ate and drank, and decided I need to watch some sword fighting movies to fill the time I'd normally spend looking for cycling stories. I started Part II of Musashi Miyamoto, but then I remembered Big Brother had an eviction, so I checked that out.

Then my Spotify invitation showed up via e-mail, so I signed up, downloaded, and started to listen to and sing along with songs I haven't heard in ages. Good times.

The tiny chair I'm sitting on is better for the part of my back that needs fixing, but it kills my legs and lower back. I really need to come up with some reason to stay up.

I should check my lottery tickets, but I haven't used up all the hope yet. Right now the dream life is a chiropractor, recliner and TV, pool access, and normal food.

Have a great weekend

2:03 a.m. - Friday, Jul. 22, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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