johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


spikey shoes

My mailman failed me, two days in a row. I put out two important envelopes with coins to pay postage, and he shoves it back into my mailbox. Sigh.

We ended up with less than an inch of snow. I doubt that CNN will send anyone to Saint Louis ever again. It's really just enough to put a rough edge on top of the freezing rain and sleets to make the sidewalk kind of walkable. REALLY walkable for me, thanks to these bad boys:

Those are the Track shoes I bought last year because I saw a deal where they were $4.95 with free shipping. I thought maybe I'd wear them around the apartment. Mine aren't this color, and I lightened the pic so you an see the dozens of rubber spikes along most of the sole. In the yellow top are plastic spikes, and the holes in the top get pointy metal spikes screwed into them. Put it all together, with my weight, and I become a sidewalking stud.

We'll see if in the bitter cold pre-dawn hours I brave the steep hills and tough out a walk to the bank's night deposit. Living without health insurance is a huge weight on my shoulders in times like this - if I fall and break something, I'm screwed.

I clicked on one of the websites I use to access live TV feeds, and was greeted with a document saying Homeland Security had seized the domain name. The same was the case at the other one. I looked at the news, and saw they weren't really American websites. One was back up with a European address. I think it's just the NFL trying to keep poor people from watching the Super Bowl. Nah, I don't believe that, but it was mentioned in a news story.

The little old Contador fan hasn't gotten my e-mail yet due to delivery problems at her server. I posted a note in the Fan Club so she'll know I tried. She really did seem upset about the whole situation, and I guess doesn't have anyone to talk to about it. I mean, she saw my name on the website, tried to call me at least three times, and typed a letter to me.

I've spent a lot of hours watching the news from Egypt. Yesterday was an amazing political spectacle. Today there are battles, Molotov cocktails, and people with pickaxes chopping up the street to get rocks to use to attack the other side. The pro-government supporters targeted media, attacking Anderson Cooper and his CNN crew. At one point guys rode in on horseback, whipping protesters as they rode, and one of them got dragged down and beaten.

Remember the Pretty Little Liars star I mentioned a few times - the one that was posting pics of herself running stairs, climbing ropes, running the Grouse Grind, or of healthy shakes and snacks? It turns out that she wasn't the one I thought she was. I'd somehow managed to connect her tweets with the wrong character. So the one I find attractive is the wrong one - she barely tweets at all and I know nothing about her. How does something like this happen?

I'm off to cook something warm. The syrup is gone, but I guess pancakes with cheap grape jelly will do the trick.

12:52 p.m. - Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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