johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


Countdown to the meeting

I'm starting to appreciate the bonus brain activity. I hope it keeps up after the FRS Plus is gone. This morning I forced myself out into the rain for a third day of walking. When I got back at six in the morning, I decided to come up with a new chart I haven't tried before. It took a few attempts, but it's now rocking the bottom of the page. I give the supplements credit for my wanting to do it in the first place, the ability to figure out how to get it done, and the willingness to keep trying when the new versions of charts threw me some curves.

There's also a lot of spontaneous organization going on. Online spreadsheets are getting accurately named tabs, unused columns are hidden or deleted, I've taken advantage of some new features, and stuff like that instead of my just watching old TV episodes.

My streak of trying to make things better continues. I had double sinus surgery years ago. The ENT guy told me I should use saline spray every day forever. But it costs money, so... I saw something in a magazine the other day that got me thinking about it again. Last night posted a Facebook deal where Waterpik was giving away some of their SinusSense systems away for free, with a 60 day supply of saline mix. I'd never heard of it, but I signed up in time, so in 3 to 5 weeks, I improve the quality of life for my sinuses.

I think mostly I'm just noticing things right now that have slipped off my radar for a long time. Friday I noticed that my beard was maybe 8 days long, and pretty scraggly. This morning I felt my face, noticed a bit of one day stubble, and went and shaved for the third day in a row, even with the imperfect disposable razor that can, and did, cut me.

I'm unsuccessful as a tennis fan right now. I slept through Clijster's three setter Sunday, but I have no evidence that it was televised anyway. ESPN 3 only shows one match at a time. There are a couple of other feeds out of Europe, but the quality was poor, and I hate buffering. I hope my 1:00 meeting this afternoon doesn't take long, so I can get back and watch Wozniacki play.

I'm kind of suffering with the food just now.

I had another violent dream Saturday night, which is totally unlike me. This time I was a new uniformed police officer, and my partner and I were forced into four shoot outs in one day. Maybe that came from watching Blue Bloods? There are no events in my own life to work through, so my brain is working on TV episodes?

Time to look for cycling coverage from Italy. Check out the simple new chart down yonder. If I do a walk and Lifecycle ride in the same day, the color bar for that day is twice as big. Not too shabby for six in the morning:-)

8:33 a.m. - Monday, Mar. 14, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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