johnguinness's Diaryland Diary



Break out your Empire Records DVD - It's Damn The Man Day.

"So It Shall Be Written, So It Shall Be Done"

The UCI announced their decision to appeal the Contador decision to CAS, hoping they can rake in a cool three million Euros in fines from him before team managers start their own pro cycling tour.

My reaction to the announcement was to consider getting involved in the fight again. My thought was of a quote from the film The Shooter, when Bob Lee Swagger let it be known that he was taking the fight to those involved until it was over.

"You don't understand. These boys killed my dog".

I got my letter from the Township. They turned me down, which would have disappointed me, but I would have bounced back fifteen minutes later (Sam-e) if they hadn't told me WHY I was turned down. It was a two=parter.

#1 You need to apply for Food Stamps (Fine, I had told her that I had already done that - they just didn't know I was successful).

#2 You need to contact the Shaw Group and have them help you apply for Social Security Disability.

Say what? The little lady pushing the walker with the brake on it, who could barely look at my bills and figure out what to write on the form, the one who was baffled by my situation because of my monthly rent, and had to kick things up to a supervisor in another part of the state, in one fell swoop decided that I was not only disabled, but can't get government help with my utility bills because I AM disabled?

Damn The Man

11:05 a.m. - Thursday, Mar. 24, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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