johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


40 days to remember(!)

It's all Calmsville McCalmington here today. I slept for ages, had a glass of grapefruit juice and a healthy sandwich for brekkers, and got in my 40 day supply of Remember! I'm one good pee away from verifying that the Amazon Marketplace store I never heard of sold me the real deal and not a counterfeit. It's good to have the strong, I'm guessing tropical, odor as a verification method.

I got an e-mail from Polar yesterday, asking me to please authorize payment of $50+ for the repair. I told them to please read the e-mail I'd enclosed offering a free repair, and told them that if that offer wasn't good, to throw the watch in the trash. I also forwarded it to the person at Customer Service who was meant to receive the package and make it happen.

I did a quick check of my account balance, and saw that I won't be paying my electric bill this month, and the restructuring of water bills the "city" is doing means I have to pay for three months, rather than just the late one, meaning I'll again get a big late fee and threatening phone calls from the phone company. I'd best enjoy my last three days of Sam-e.

I read an article about the actress who played Cameron in House, and saw she's been appearing on How I Met Your Mother. I tracked down her first episode, hit play, and noticed how damned hot the "daughter" on the couch is looking. I headed to IMDB and saw that it's the same 23 year old actress that plays Alex on Nikita, and was in Kickass. While there I learned that there will be a Kickass 2.

Curiosity led me to click on the actress who played the little girl in Kickass to see what else she's done. She's got one completed movie, two in post-production, one filming, three in pre-production, and two announced. That's a hella lot for someone who just turned fourteen. People like her always make me think of my Study Abroad friends who had degrees in Theater, some with master's, from top programs, and they're still fighting to keep the acting dream going. One guy, whose commercials I've posted here before, is filming a pilot and hoping it turns into a series.

Powerball is up to $218 million. Guess I'll risk bursting into flames in the sunshine and get a chance so I can dream for another day.

12:29 p.m. - Wednesday, Apr. 06, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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