johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


Barca makes a nice lounger

It was the last big mountain stage of the Giro today. I stayed in bed & missed the first hour and a half of coverage, and I couldn't get interested in it once I got up. I hope the attitude is just a phase, but I'm afraid I might be like this all the time now as a result of having seen Geordie Shore.

Ba dum pum.

Part of me wants to watch the Tour de France, if Contador goes for both the historic Giro/Tour double and his seventh grand tour victory, but the guys who made me fed up with the sport last year will all be there, prominently. and it's just not worth it. I'm sick of hearing the head of the sport lie, and his predecessor say outlandishly immense lies, and have people quote him without question. So the plan is, I watch Alberto finish winning on Sunday, read a few interviews on Monday for closure, then move on to the next thing.

Remember Lance's manager/friend, who vanished from the team hotel in Italy somewhere between the time his face was on 60 Minutes and the time Italian police raided the hotel and vehicles? There's still no confirmation that he left so fast that all his stuff was still in his room, but he has been tracked to a $1200 a night hotel in Dubai, a country that apparently doesn't extradite people to America. Fun times.

When my car is broken, I have a bit of fresh cash, I'm housebound for a holiday weekend, and about to quit a sport addiction, I'm always compelled to get delivery pizza. I fought off the urge last night, but this afternoon I caved in. Is it sad that I remembered the code for free apple pies from over a year ago?

The first week of the French Open is over, and I've seen maybe half an hour total.

I tried watching a live feed of Dr. Who today, couldn't, then realized that except for the Christmas episode with the hot blond singer, I haven't been able to watch it since Amy got married. It's like I've had "the talk" with a TV character and realized it wasn't going anywhere.

I listened to the new Pirates movie the other day, and couldn't be bothered. Maybe it would be different on a comfy seat in an air conditioned room, with digital and Dolby and previews, but on the computer it was meh. And that's from a guy who was willing to believe Penelope Cruz was Greek in Captain Corelli's Mandolin.

I tried watching the soccer, but as in everything, had no patience or attention span. And that's on two cans of FRS Plus. The concentrate, appropriately named, always helped me. I used a lot of the powder when I was in the MBA program. The chews never did anything for me. I've got six cans left, and another dozen coming Wednesday (28 cents a can, free shipping) so I'll give it time.

No word from the landlord or the Township, but I got my water bill, so no one paid the past due month for me. Le sigh.

6:04 p.m. - Saturday, May. 28, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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