johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


Master Chef

I've managed to drive off all but a couple of you ***waves**** so I'll keep it short. The highlight of my night was watching two hours of Master Chef. Halfway through, I stopped to make a ham sandwich, and was quite chuffed with myself for putting Miracle Whip on the bread. These were shows where they give people aprons, so it's positive, and I enjoyed seeing the creativity and passion.

The recent Lance story has gotten bigger. Hamilton's attorney contacted the Federal investigators to let them know about the meeting, then he talked to the press. He said that Lance asked Tyler over and over how much 60 Minutes paid him to do the show, and berated him, said his lawyers were going to tear him to bits on the witness stand, and said he was going to make his life a blanking Hell. That story has now circled the globe once. It could make some things happen quickly, and could also bring the Ricco Act into play and current so that there's no Statute Of Limitations on anything he's done.

I managed to watch a bit of cycling from Switzerland yesterday. Most of the guys I don't like weren't on camera, one failed right before my eyes, and another guy made a thrilling chase up the last part of a mountain then went super speed down a steep climb with a lot of hairpin turns, defying the camera motorcycle to try to keep up.

My things to look forward to for the day: Pretty Little Liars, Season 2, Master Chef, The Voice, updates on the five Mexican soccer players, news about Contador training on the key mountains of the Alps, and that's all.

Oh! I almost interacted with someone yesterday. I had a movie up at Justin TV, and they had a trivia thingy in chat. I'm at a disadvantage on those, because I'm sat on a broken couch holding a keyboard above my chest with my left hand and can only type with my right index finger. Anyway, The quiz posted a name and asked who it was, so I guessed King of the Mayans, then other people guessed stuff, so I guessed King of the Aztecs, and other people guessed stuff, but no one got it. The answer posted as King of the Incans, and I typed fml, and someone lol'd.

6:35 a.m. - Tuesday, Jun. 14, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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