johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


my place

When I realized last night that Monday is President's Day, and there would be no mail delivery, it hit me that I would have no reason to get out of bed, which also meant there was no reason to go to bed. Maybe I need to add some things to my daily life.

Contador is heading to training camp with teammate in Mallorca, so I went to Google Maps to see exactly where the island is in relation to Spain, and I naturally ended up spending half an hour messing with Street Views of my apartment. Which is why this page is so damned wide.

I guess it gives a decent perspective as to how steep the hill is. The two windows and the door next to the mail box are my connections to the outside world. The tiny kitchen and bathroom, and large bedroom & storage room, are just solid walls in a basement. You can see where I planned to put the two feet of snow and five foot drifts in front of my door and to the right.

You can also get a bit of an idea about the moon like surface where I've now wiped out twice. Trust me that the asphalt is worn very smooth and that any gravel or cinders that rest on it temporarily have no intention of staying. The spot that's my kryptonite is about an inch in from the middle left of the photo. You can also see the thoughtfully planned out opening to the culvert. The guard rail is to keep people who park on the incline from ramming into the building. Instead, they run repeatedly into the rail, especially if their wheel goes near the drain hole you see near the white car. Bumpers bottom out on that baby. You can see that the sidewalk, a migratory path for redneck drunks, is right up to my door and windows. It's gotten a bit better since there's a permanent night light up instead of the flash on for fifteen seconds one. My mailbox used to take out guys late at night as they staggered by in the dark saying clever things. If I ever open my blinds, people can see in, and I stopped leaving my windows open at night after I heard a couple of guys urinating beneath them. At the time, I had a TV set just inside the door, and a recliner just inside the right window. I had gotten up to go to the kitchen, or else two guys would have been peeing two foot from my face with just a screen between us.

I've "lived" here nine and a half years.

I buy lottery tickets.

1:39 p.m. - Monday, Feb. 21, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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