johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


Food is sorted. What's next?

Sunday I didn't do the best at adjusting to the sudden wide variety of food now filling my kitchen to the gills. I am still me, after all. The cheap pizza was eaten, and not enjoyed, so I know not to have it around in the future for any reason.

This morning, after going back to bed because I'd slept wrong the first time, I typed up an informal loan agreement for my sister and I, drove to get her signature, and put it in the mail to the Food Stamp case worker.

I've exchanged e-mails with the Polar guy enough times that he's accepted that something required had broken off into my button, rendering a replacement useless. The other day he linked me to a form I could use to send it in for repair. I told him my situation, that I can't afford a repair, that I wasn't sure it was worth the cost for a 6 year old item, and that I had the simple one to get me by, as the fancy one has been broken since October. Today he told me to send it in for free repair, so I'll do that Saturday when there's a bit of cash available. I do really miss the thing, with the zones, the calorie counter, and the twelve weeks of stored workout totals.

I happened across a nice live Canadian feed for The Amazing Race last night, and can now look forward to Survivor on Wednesday evening.

That's my life right now. I took the last of my MAF this morning. I'm thinking that since I have all of these groceries, it might be good for me to have at least one clean dish, so hopefully I'll be motivated to boil water this afternoon.

11:32 a.m. - Monday, Mar. 28, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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