johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


April 1

Happy April Fool's Day. This is a prank-free zone. Except I'll share that Ryan Seacrest and staff really got into the Bronx Zoo Cobra theme, and the website is worth checking out, if you get there Friday.

I've been skeptical of stories all morning. The one about Contador being sponsored by Chik-Fil-A was obvious. The one about an Italian cyclist retiring immediately to open a restaurant - spotted that one, even though the site was bombarded with phone calls and e-mails for four hours. The MSNBC story about the new Nike Cheech & Chong skateboarding shoe - caught it at the title.

Oddly enough, the one that's been driving me bonkers might turn out to be a true story. La Gazzetta dello Sport had a story in Italian about a cyclist I don't care for mostly because of his brother and team. He has a teammate who's always being accused of mechanical cheating; electric motors, custom parts, etc. So when I saw the article saying this other guy cheated to win a race last week by having something illegally aerodynamic in his jersey, I added it to the pile.

But then a Spanish publication picked up the story, and added details, and cited the original source, which was from March 28. And now a website in Luxembourg, where the rider and team are from, seems to say (Google doesn't translate Luxembourgish) giving the excuse that it's one of those Camelback things people use for water. Except it's in front. And his whole race that day was nine minutes. I saw two different videos, and it looks like he definitely had the illegal thing in his jersey, and he only won the race by eleven seconds. What a messed up sport. And why did it have to come out on April 1 when I'm on high alert for tomfoolery and hijinks? Why!?

I got my check to the night deposit. I called in a payment, which always takes a few days to hit my checking (or is that the power bill?), so of course it's pending on my account already. Cunning bastards. There's a new opt-in feature where as long as the money is there by the end of the day the thing is covered, but I'm not stretching my luck and ordering MAF today.

My case worker said my Food Stamp money will normally hit on the third of each month, but might sow up early the first time. The letter said I get $113 for like 33 days after I became official, so that's the next big concern since the phone and Interwebs shouldn't be turned off. If it comes Saturday morning, I'm going on a grocery shopping spree, now that I've had a week to adjust and figure things out.

I'll try watching tennis again today, but focusing is more of a struggle since I'm out of MAF.

In the past, this would have been the kind of Limbo day where I ended up having pizza delivered and paying with a check that wouldn't hit until tomorrow. But now, I just need to decide if I should microwave potatoes, or have some pancakes with cherry preserves, or one of my other options. It's like the stress wants to kick in as I run out of things, but I've got the gallon of milk, the container of grape juice, three loaves of bread, cans of salmon, a couple of containers of dry oatmeal - it's a new & improved situation.

Potatoes it is!

11:40 a.m. - Friday, Apr. 01, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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