johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


more steps, a park and a bike lane

I'm trying to keep the positive things going. I went out and did a walk at 4:00 this morning. Along the way I noticed a couple of signs for a bike path. That's new, and got me wishing I had a bike to ride.

I put together two loads of dirty laundry to take to my sister's on my watering trip, but fell for a weather forecast of tornado watches, thunderstorms and three inch diameter hail. I didn't want to deal with that, so I headed out into the temporary bit of sunshine and decided to drive past the college first to see if there were any hot women in shorts.

I got sidetracked by the bike route, which I went to investigate, which took me to the park, which I also gave a good looking over. It would be a medium okay place for walking if I was in shape, or rather when I'm in shape, to do it publicly. But there was a bench that will soon have my name on it next to the fishing lake. I really do need to start getting sunshine again every day.

My new shoes must have caught a plane in California and overshot me by about 200 miles, but they're promised by the end of the day Wednesday.

Wednesday morning is a big one day cycling race, complete with both video and English commentary. It's been a long wait.

They did trick me - it's still sunny and 83 degrees out, so I could have been sat on my sister's patio while my clothes were washing and drying. I'll get at it early Thursday, since things are packed, and maybe do it again Saturday.

There weren't any women out, so I'm looking at some on the Internet. I need to remind me of the days when I'd head out to the supermarket, or a mall, or anywhere really, and look the best I could at the time so women checked me out too. It's all part of the reversal process, trying to get out of the situation I ended up in.

5:25 p.m. - Tuesday, Apr. 19, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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