johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


That new shoe smell

I'm still working to make things better, even though I'm spending a lot of time sat here unable to not doze off against my will.

I did walk number 3 at 4:00 this morning, even though it was cold and really windy out.

I searched the web and confirmed that I can use the local private park for free.

I decided that at the start of May I'm going to get a haircut. I could rock a serious ponytail right now, and the hair in front could cover my face like a sheep dog. If I have short hair, and shave, and wear clothes that are kind of clean, I'll feel less like a social leper and be a bit more willing to go out and look at other people, even if I'm still depressed. Right now I just put on my Smelly Hobo Invisibility Cloak and feel like I can pass through unobserved.

I enjoyed the cycling race through Belgium this morning. It had lots of action, and helicopter views of castles and things. Contador didn't win at the end, but he's been sick, and he really doesn't want to be anywhere near his best until the Giro starts in seventeen days.

I've been forced against my will to stay awake until the UPS man delivered my shoes. They're half a size bigger than my old ones in a different brand, and right now they fit well with no socks on, as in socks are not an option just now. I'm excited to try them out tomorrow.

For ages I've been two Papa Johns points away from a free pizza. Today as I noticed at slickdeals that there was a one day only 25% off code. I had a pizza delivered, and I figure I'll get my free one on the way back from one of my watering missions.

I saw a police notice yesterday on the derelict car that's been in my parking space for days. Hopefully it will get towed, and I can move my car there tomorrow so I can load it up with dirty laundry.

I won't have an Easter this year. One sister is out of state because her mother in law had surgery. My other brother in law had surgery on his eye yesterday, so he's still not even allowed to pick up a carton of milk. They removed the viscous fluid, and put in an air bubble to protect where they operated. In a week or ten days, that will be gone, and he'll see what he can see.

The storms hit big time last night, and we've got at least 4 more days of it coming. Hopefully Monday I can make my first daily trip to the park for some fresh air and sunshine.

4:39 p.m. - Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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