johnguinness's Diaryland Diary



The pro cyclists arrive in Italy today for the race that starts Saturday. That,!) cans of Coca Cola Zero have me worked into a frenzy. I don't expect you to understand the attraction of the sport, but here are a couple of pics from Easter weekend went Contador was out doing recon of the toughest corsa rosa stages. The pictures are from part of a stage that goes longer than 120 miles, with this huge mountain climb, a dangerous descent, and then up to the top of another really tough mountain for the finish. And that's just day 14. For the first pic, Contador's two teammates decided they had enough riding, and got into the car. Alberto wanted to ride the rest of the stage, so he headed into the dark tunnel, despite the slabs of ice formed from snow. This has one of the team helpers keeping him & the bike upright across the ice. The second photo is a portion of a climb, but almost everything that goes up must come down. If you think having over two hundred competitive cyclists going through the tunnels is scary, imagine them racing to the top of a mountain, then trying to maintain the lead while speeding down roads with curves like this one.

My Food Stamp funds hit a bit past midnight on Tuesday, so I headed straight over to Walmart. I did a great job of fighting off the urge to buy cookie dough, Snickers, pizza and ice cream.

Today the UPS man brought me my 25 glucose test strips, so tomorrow I get my second bit of input after a fasting glucose test. I was borderline when the doctor did it five years ago. We'll see soon if I'm still pre- or full fledged diabetic. The mailman delivered the coupon for a new kit to replace the messed up test from the other day. This is obviously a good company, since I just called them Saturday. I hope that between now & July Walgreens will run another special so I can use the coupon and get even more free stuff.

My DSL company, AT&T, has this week capped broadband. Once you reach a certain amount for a month, you have to pay for more. I'm pretty sure I fall in the two percent of top users who will be affected. Twenty-one days of Giro coverage plus two weeks of French Open tennis on my choice of eight courts, plus normal TV viewing, could really mess things up, especially when I have one live feed because the video quality is high, and another one playing so I can hear English commentary. Sigh

NCIS was pretty damned good last night.

It's scary that the story of the bin Laden capture is changing. I wonder what it will be when the truth comes out.

I stayed out of the politics, but it amuses me that the holier than thou people on Facebook who claimed to be quoting MLK were probably quoting a 24 year old female English teacher from Japan. More people should check

1:26 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 04, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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