johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


Tragic day at the Giro

Not a good day. I tried to go for a walk, didn't like my breathing after half a block, and went home.

The Giro d'Italia had one of it's non-mountain stages today - warm, and bright sunshine. Unfortunately, there were some dangerous curves on a descent, Wouter Weylandts hit a pedal on a guard rail and hit the pavemet face first. They tried for forty minutes to save him, but the 26 year old rider didn't make it. His wife is expecting in September. It's been an awful couple of hours.

Eurosport had just come out of a commercial when the camera moto got there, not realizing how bad it was. They cut away when it sunk in, but not before a lot of us saw him there not moving, getting his helmet straps cut off.

There's no thoughts of the sport of cycling the rest of the day, or the results, just the concern that the stages thought to be really dangerous are still to come.

Find a way to celebrate your own life today.

11:39 a.m. - Monday, May. 09, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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