johnguinness's Diaryland Diary


red dress

One of my long-time Diaryland pals popped up in a dream last night. She was on a talk show, I believe promoting a book that she'd written. There was a bit where she stepped out on stage in a long, tight red dress, and made little turns to the cameras like women do on a red carpet. At one point she mouthed, "John, what do you want to see?" but then the segment was over.

I slept in again this morning, which isn't a good thing with French Open coverage starting every morning at four next week. I'm pretty stressed out, as I'm coming up on deadline to get a form from across the street and appeal the Township's decision not to give me assistance. The thing is, I would never actually go before a board or whatever and beg for money. But the woman who made the decision is involved in some pretty sketchy behavior, so mostly I just want one person ranked above her to know that I exist. It would be awesome to have six months of help so I could get a mattress, and a hair cut, and Sam-e, and a bit of air conditioning when it's 110 out. I even daydreamed about being able to go back to Golds for pool walks and long showers. But I really don't want to see the woman again, either to pick up a form and return it, or to convince her to give me the name and address of her boss.

My life right now is Tuna Helper, and anticipation of Saturday's $% off 25 shopping trip to the dollar store. Maybe I'll get something tasty?

3:22 p.m. - Tuesday, May. 17, 2011


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Started Thursday 3/17/2011

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